
To print a flyer from this page follow these simple steps:

1.) Select the flier you would like to print (click it with your left mouse button). This will bring up the flier you want to print in it’s own window.

2.) While holding down your Control (Ctrl) key, hit the P key.  This will bring up the print dialog screen.

Printing Tip: In the print dialog screen you may need to adjust your Margins setting to narrow

Printing Tip: In the print dialog screen you may need to adjust your Scale setting to Shrink to fit.

Printing Tip: For fliers created in “landscape” format Landscape Orientation must be selected when printing.


Sunday Survivors
Itasca 12+12Big Book Discussion Group FlyerWood Dale 12 and 12 123 MeetingPrincipled Crowd 60 Minutes Group

The Village v2

515 v2


WWG Tuesdays v2Itasca - 12 Steps To RecoverySaturday Open Speaker Meeting Hosting sign-up